Winners in Serendipity Challenge 2014
Wellplast AB won Serendipty challenge 2014, a contest for Sweden’s leading growth company.
Wellplast AB won Serendipty challenge 2014, a contest for Sweden’s leading growth company.
Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt visited Wellplast AB on May 12, 2014, in Munka Ljungby. He came to meet the staff and owners to discuss the operation and future challenges.
Watch movie from Svenska Dagbladet here:
Watch movie from Aftonbladet here:
Representatives from Wellplast AB meets Japan’s prime minister, Shinzu Abe.
Wellplast AB exhibits Seafood Processing / Expo Global in Brussels, 6-8 May 2014.
Seafood Processing / Expo Global is the world’s largest fish and shellfish fair. At the fair, our transportpackages for fresh seafood is presented. Welcome to our stand 5836 in hall 4.
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In connection with the Pack and Packaging Fair, which took place on 16-17 October in Stockholm, “Design Challenge 2013” was organized. The exhibitors voted for the best packaging design. Wellplast AB won! We are very proud of this award and wish to thank everyone who voted for us.
Wellplast AB announced as a Gasell 2013
Sweden needs growth, and Sweden’s entrepreneurs need inspirational role models. Therefore, today’s industry appoints the fastest growing companies in the country to Gaseller.
We at Wellplast AB are very happy and proud to be able to titulate our Gasell company in 2013. This means that together with less than 0.5% of Sweden’s limited companies, we lived up to today’s industry’s hard criteria:
– a turnover exceeding SEK 10 million
– at least 10 employees
– at least doubled its turnover, comparing the first and last fiscal year
– turnover every year over the past three years
– a combined operating profit for the four fiscal years that is positive
– essentially grown organically, not through acquisitions or mergers
– good finances
The term Gaseller was created by American scientist David Birch. Already in the 1980s, he showed that it is the small fast-growing companies that create most new jobs, unlike the elephants of the economy, which must always streamline and often reduce employment. In addition, the Gaselles differ from the smallest companies, who work for bread food and do not primarily strive to grow.
Wellplast AB participates in a film whose purpose is to show Skåne as a world-class packaging region. The film is funded by Region Skåne, the EU, Invest in Skåne and Packbridge.
Wellplast AB comes in 4 minutes and 22 seconds into the movie.