Approved for packing in clean zones
Clean and moisture proof packaging
The Wellplast® corrugated plastic was originally developed for use in the food industry where the need for a moisture proof and food approved single transport packaging material is high. Large amounts of food are discarded due to substandard packaging. Fiber-based packaging materials also create huge logistical additional costs, as packaging often does not have to take place in the same place as food production. Today, Wellplast AB supplies packaging solutions for a large number of applications. Common is the requirement for cleanliness and often apply to damp environments or damp products. The properties, economy and environmental benefits of the material make it an attractive packaging option for food and vegetables.
Packaging solutions approved for direct contact with food
Seafood boxes
Wellplast seafood boxes are an excellent alternative to EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) boxes where you want to reduce environmental impact and storage volume. Wellplast boxes are delivered flat. This means that in one single truck you can fit as many Wellplast® boxes as for EPS boxes require 10 trucks.
Wellplast® palletainer insert
Packaging for vegetables and fruit
Food production consumables
In order to bring empty packaging and consumables into food production, it is important to pack clean and efficiently.

Jacob Volckerts
Wellplast AB
Turistgatan 2
SE-265 39 Åstorp
Sweden Phone: +46 431 431 444
Fax: +46 431 431 555 or use the form